From the experience of our marketing specialists, you can choose a few recommendations for creating corporate-style attributes for personal brands.
1. Faster! Faster!
In today’s fast-paced world, you have too little time to touch a person. Over the past 20 years, the average duration of human concentration has decreased from 12 seconds to 8. And the average duration of content consumption in social networks has fallen to 2 seconds. Therefore, the most important thing that you want to talk about is a person, convey quickly, lightning fast. But for this, you need to define very precisely what is most important.
2. Be a real pro.
It is necessary to give a potential client a clear understanding of the specialist’s professionalism. First of all, it is necessary to break the stereotype that ordering a service from a company/studio/agency is always more reliable and safer than from a single professional. Therefore, any information media must contain customer reviews, certificates of training and qualifications, and any confirmation of the quality of services, for certain services – confirmation of their security.
3. Keep up to date
No one cancelled the herd instinct. It is necessary to very clearly create an impression about the demand and popularity of the individual. For each specialist, this is different data: a tight schedule of performances, publications in the mass media, video interviews and photos from projects.
4. Remember about budget
The corporate style should be consistent with the specialist’s fee and at the first glance broadcast in which price segment he works. If everything is too “rich”, it will repel customers who are looking for cheaper. It will be a shame if the cost of services is more than democratic. And vice versa: those of us who work in the premium segment should make sure that all its public manifestations correspond to the preferences of discerning customers.
5. No cognitive dissonance.
Corporate style should not contradict the personality itself. You should not make pink business cards on powdered cardboard with gold monograms for a tattoo artist or a financial consultant. Corporate style should correlate with the character, lifestyle, values and type of activity of the person you are helping to build a personal brand. After all, the main thing is to be, not to appear.